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The Secret Formula for Success as an Author


You’ve probably been told there is no secret to success as an author. No magic bullet. You’ve heard it time and again from successful traditionally published authors, indie authors, and struggling writers alike. You’ve heard it at writing conferences and retreats. Everyone has told you there is no magic formula.


They’re all liars.


Anybody who told you there is no magic formula, no secret to success, is a liar. There is a secret success formula for authors and best-selling authors have been hiding it all these years. Every successful author knows it, they just don’t talk about it. Well, I’m here to blow the lid off the best kept secret in the business. I’m going to tell you the truth and it’s probably going to shock you.


Are you ready?


Success = write every day + finish the book + publish + repeat

Don’t laugh. Don’t scoff. Don’t roll your eyes and think, ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all that before’. It really is a magic formula. It works. And if you’ll stick with me a minute, I’ll show you how and why it works.


Let’s look at each part of the equation and break it down for better understanding.


  1. The first part of the formula is write every day. If you want to be good at something you have to practice. Musicians know this. Athletes know it too. Why would you think writing is any different? Part of being a successful author is being a goodwriter and that requires practice. Have you put in your 10k hours?


Most authors stink and they never get published, simply because they don’t practice. They think talent is just going to land in their lap one morning. newsflash: There are a few freakishly talented writers who were born with the skill. The rest of us have to practice. (And I suspect the freaks are just writers who practiced in secret until they got really good.) So practice every day. And don’t get me started on procrastination. 


2.Finish the book. Most studies suggest that less than 10% of people who sit down to write a book actually finish. A lot of struggling authors hear statistics like that and get depressed. This should actually encourage you. All you need to do is finish the noveland you leap ahead of 90% of other authors trying to make it in this business.


Think about it like this: Would you hire a cabinet maker who’s never actually built cabinets before? Would you hire a contractor who’s never actually built a house? No, of course not. You wouldn’t hire someone who’s never baked before to make your wedding cake and nobody is going to hire you to write books if you’ve never actually written a book. And no, writing the first 5 chapters of a dozen unfinished novels doesn’t count. So stop giving up on story ideas halfway through. Stop getting distracted by new ideas. Finish the damn book!


3.Publish. Each book you finish and publish will teach you something new about the publishing side of the business. That’s true whether you are traditionally published or self publishing. Every book you bring to market is a learning experience. You are going to be soaking up a lot of information about cover design, book description, marketing, and a host of other details. And you are going to need every bit of it if you want to be successful. So finish the book, get it edited and put it up for sale. You’ll be amazed how much you learn about writing and marketing books!


4. (This one is the most important) Repeat. Once you’ve done all that, start on another book. Start the sequel or a whole new series. Your first book might not be the rousing success you think it will be. (It probably won’t be in fact.) Your second book may not do any better than the first, but I promise you somewhere down the line, you’ll write a book (or series) that people actually enjoy and are willing to pay for. Most musicians have to write a lot of songs, and perform in a lot of dive bars, before they’re good enough to get picked up by a major record label. Boxers don’t take the world heavyweight title the first time they step in the ring. In fact, take it from me, they get knocked on their butt a lot before they start winning any fights. Writing is no different. You are going to fail a lot more than you succeed. But each failure moves you closer to success. It’s all part of the process.

Success = write every day + finish the book + publish + repeat


The formula works. Use it. Share it.

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