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If you are a writer and you aren’t using ASM ads, you are missing out on a lot of sales and exposure. AMS ads are a game changer and every author should be using them no matter what you write. I get a lot of pushback on AMS ads from authors. Many people are, understandably, afraid of losing money. Here are 3 great reasons you need to be using AMS ads.

1. Exposure

Smart authors can stop reading right now and go on to the next post in this series—don’t forget to like and share—because they know how important exposure is for book sales.

Exposure is the single most important factor for new authors. You might have written the next great American novel, you might be the next Hemingway or Steinbeck, but if I don’t see your book when I go to there is zero chance I’ll buy it. In order for people to buy your book they first have to see your book and if your sales rank is super high (Note: high rank is bad. Low rank is good.) Amazon is not actively displaying your book to customers. It doesn’t matter how good of a writer you are and it doesn’t matter how great the cover looks. People can’t buy what they can’t see.

If you just published a new book, or this is your very first book, then you are invisible. Worse, you are buried all the way at the back of the pack, and it is your job as the author to claw your way up through the ranks. Darwinian, I know, but that’s life.

Every new book that gets uploaded to the market, starts at the bottom. There is no way to get around that. If you are an established author with a large mailing list, you can simply send out an email. Your fans will buy your books and that will boost your rank. If you don’t have an email list, and nobody has ever heard of your before, then you need to get your book in front of targeted readers. Simply uploading the book to Amazon is not enough.

Here is where it gets tricky. In order to get more exposure, you need more sales. In order to get sales, you need exposure. The only way to get exposure without sales, is through paid advertisements. Unless of course you’re a celebrity, or you’re sleeping with a celebrity. So the only way you are going to claw your way up from the back of the pack and put your book in front of readers, is to advertise.

2. Sales

The moderately intelligent authors can stop reading here and go to the next post in this series—don’t forget to like and share—because they like to eat food and pay their bills.

There is really no sense in writing a book and adding it to the market place if you aren’t trying to get sales. After all, if you don’t need the money, then by all means, give your book away for free. But most authors want some compensation for all their time and creative efforts. Plus, earning money from your work is a good indicator or whether or not it’s any good.

AMS ads are a fantastic way to target new readers who like what you write.

You can tailor your ads to put your book next to other books in your genre. No matter what you write, you can find a niche audience and make sure they see your book using AMS ads. Do you write about time travelling gender fluid furries? I’m not going to be your audience, but I can guarantee you’ll find your audience through AMS ads. (And if you do write about time travelling gender fluid furries, how did you land on this site? Run away! Run away!) Whether you write hard-boiled mystery, spy fiction, romance, action adventure or anything in between, AMS ads allow you to target readers based on their interests. If you write romance and you can get your book in front of romance readers, there’s a decent chance they’ll buy it. Ditto any other genre under the digital sun.

3. Go re-read points 1 and 2.

Seriously? Do you need any more reasons? Okay, I’ll give you one more important reason to use amazon ads.

Everybody else is doing it!

Now, I know your mother told you that’s not a good reason to do things, and Mom was right when it comes to smoking crack and neck tattoos. In general doing something because everyone else is doing it, is a really poor idea. Most people are stupid and following the herd will only set you up for a lifetime of misery. However, we are talking about writers here. I have it on good authority that writers are the smartest, most talented people on the planet, and they make the best lovers as well.

But seriously; there is a lot of competition out there and they are all using this incredibly powerful tool! Why would you not take advantage of it? If you were going to war, and you knew everyone else was using a gun, wouldn’t you want a gun too? Or would you march off to battle with just your helmet and hope for the best? Pro athletes of all disciplines use the best equipment they can get their hands on. AMS ads are the one of the best tools you can use to boost sales.

The best thing is, they are super easy to set up and with a little know-how (which I’ll gladly show) you can easily double your spend.

If you are ready to increase your exposure and start getting sales on your book, go to the next post in this series Easy AMS Ads for Authors.

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